Fan For Animal Farm
Fan For Animal Farm
If you’ve ever been to the store or turned on the TV, you may have seen an ad or commercial for George Orwell’s classic novella “Animal for animal farm ” It is a fictional account of peasants joining a political movement that sincerely promises to improve their lives but gets hijacked by a self-aggrandizing dictator who turns out to be at least as bad as the regime they were trying to escape.
Large commercial fans for livestock are designed to keep animals comfortable so they can produce more for animal farm In 1998, Walter and Eddie Boyd invented the first High Volume Low Speed (HVLS) fan to make dairy cows more comfortable and productive. The invention has grown into a multi-generational family business known today as MacroAir. MacroAir is the leading source for fans that provide natural ventilation and cooling to livestock barns.
Big ceiling fans are used in dairy tie stall and freestall facilities to enhance profitability by creating comfortable conditions for animals. These systems prevent heat stress, which reduces feed intake, and result in lower milk production. HVLS fans also help to maintain proper body temperature, increase reproductive performance and decrease the likelihood of disease in dairy cattle. The proper selection and installation of a HVLS fan will help to achieve ventilation requirments while minimizing energy consumption and costs. Having access to the fan curve helps ensure that fans are set for optimal operation at all times of year.
Tags:cabinet fan | centrifugal fan | circulating fan
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