Selecting a Ceiling Ventilation Fan

  • Wednesday, 09 October 2024
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Selecting a Ceiling Ventilation Fan

A ceiling ventilation fan brings fresh air from the outside into a room.ceiling ventilation fan This helps prevent people and pets from breathing in stale, contaminated indoor air. This helps improve indoor air quality, as well as reduce the energy required to cool or heat the home.

Ventilation fans are generally used in bathrooms, but can also be located in kitchens, bedrooms and great rooms.ceiling ventilation fan They may be ducted to multiple rooms or vented out the wall to the exterior. They may be controlled by a wall switch, motion sensor or humidity sensor.

Ceiling mounted ventilation fans are the most popular choice because they are easy to maintain. They are typically mounted above the false ceiling and can be accessed with a ladder or stool. Most have a grille that covers the fan's air inlets and can be easily removed for cleaning.

When selecting a ceiling fan, look for one that is rated to fit the size of your room. Make sure the fan's CFM (cubic feet per minute) is rated for the square footage of your bathroom.

The number of blades is another important factor. The more blades a fan has, the more efficiently it will run. The pitch of the blades is also important. A steeper blade pitch will churn the air more effectively and improve circulation in large rooms.

Choose a fan that is ENERGY STAR certified. ENERGY STAR fans are rated for efficiency, noise levels and installed performance. They must be certified by an EPA-recognized certification body and be listed in the ENERGY STAR Certified Products List. They must meet the performance standards of this specification and have a warranty.

In order to qualify for the ENERGY STAR label, a fan must be tested in an insulated duct and vented directly to the exterior of the house through an insulated duct. It was once common practice to vent ventilation fans into the attic space, but today building codes require that they be vented to a roof vent with a cap. This ensures the ducting is not contributing to moisture and mold problems in attic spaces.

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